
Videograph, cutter, Kameraman





Über Junico

Über mich

Born in San Bernardo, Chile, and raised in Austria, I’ve had the privilege of blending diverse cultural influences into my work. My creative journey began with a passion for music, working as a musician and MC in Austria, where I also honed my interpersonal skills in the hospitality industry. Relocating to Berlin marked a turning point: I embraced freelance opportunities as a stage builder and music producer. During this time, I discovered my love for video production while collaborating with homegrownstudio. This newfound passion quickly evolved into a full-time career. Since 2016, I’ve been working as a Video Producer, Content Creator, and Advertising Campaign Designer, combining storytelling and visual creativity to craft compelling videos and marketing campaigns. Whether it’s designing Reels for social media or producing high-quality video content, every project I take on reflects my attention to detail and commitment to originality. Through years of experience, I’ve mastered the art of weaving unique narratives into each project, ensuring every video tells its own story. My work has been featured across various platforms, and I’ve proudly collaborated with businesses and artists alike to bring their visions to life. I’m also proud to have contributed to WebTV productions in Vienna, where I continually refined my craft. Today, as an expert in social media content creation and marketing, I thrive on the challenge of delivering fresh, engaging ideas to connect with audiences. The camera is my tool, creativity is my language, and every video is a masterpiece waiting to be created.

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