Jana Hintergrundbild


Verifizierte:r Freelancer:in



Blended Learning
Learning and Development

Über mich

Hi nice to meet you! I am a learning enthusiast, who believes we can change the way we learn fundamentally. In my projects I am aiming to bridge the gap between theory and practice and thus promoting evidence-informed education and training, as well as science-backed consulting. In my current projects, e.g. with SkillFull and Haufe Akademie, I break down complex soft skill concepts into bite-sized learnings. I am a subject matter expert for topics such as entrepreneurial thinking, business psychology, empathy and communication. Since 5 years, I teach a range of courses at different universities, including psychology, statistics, personnel diagnostics, and leadership. In addition to my consulting work, I'm a certified transformational coach who specializes in guiding individuals through profound personal and professional transformations. The ultimate goal of my coaching is to facilitate deep learning to create a powerful shift in thinking. Currently, I am working with firedup coaching clients. My background is in Human Resources, Psychology, and Management. I am pursuing my Ph.D. in organizational behavior in the public sector. Before I became a freelancer, I worked in different human resources positions. I bring 5+ years of experience in operative HR management, particularly in recruitment, so I can hit the ground running. Talk to you soon!



Blended Learning
Learning and Development
AI Consulting
Data Analysis
Generative AI
Organisational Design
People Management
Akademische Texte


Business Development
Active Sourcing
Business Agility
Business Process Re-engineering
Strategy Planning
Market Research
Artificial Intelligence Application
Organisational Analysis
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben
Performance Management
Strategy Implementation
Customer Behaviour Analysis
Künstliche Intelligenz
Training (IT)


  • Learning Consultant

    Tom Tailor · Konsumgüter und Handel

    2024 — 2024

    Supporting the HR team with their HRIS software launch. I am crafting compelling materials and designing interactive workshops. In collaboration with the content team, I am refining training materials, to enhanced the clarity and visual appeal of training documents, as well as cutting short instructional videos.

  • Coach

    firedup coaching · Bildung und Wissenschaft

    2023 — heute

    Fired Up is a certified educational provider. The career coaching provides coachees with orientation, clarity, support, and concrete action items for their next steps. 

  • Trainer AI im Recruitment & HR

    Haufe Akademie · Bildung und Wissenschaft

    2023 — heute

    Workshops, Seminars & Training on AI in Recruiting

    Understanding how AI can support various phases of the candidate journey. Evaluating the beneficial and hindering applications of AI in recruiting and how to leverage the power of AI. Bringing Expert know-how and good-practice examples of AI-based tools.

    Veranstaltungsnummer: 34978

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