

Verifizierte:r Freelancer:in



UX Design
User Research

Über mich

I am a seasoned UX Designer with a diverse skill set in ux design, design thinking, and ux strategy. I am constantly collaborating cross-teams and cross-roles, fostering a team spirit and creating solutions that resonate globally.



UX Design
Adobe XD
User Journeys


Adobe Premiere


User Research
User Testing
Stakeholder Management
Design Thinking


  • Design System evaluation

    Auftraggeber:in · Beratung und Consulting

    2023 — 2024

    UX/UI Designer with focus on Design Systems and consulting other Departments in UX solutions.Evaluation of an internal Design System for 15+ product portfolio including transition to Figma.

  • UX Researcher

    Auftraggeber:in · Sonstige Branche

    2022 — 2022

    • Led a collaborative UX Research initiative with three UX designers to define the direction for redesigning a point-of-sale system, emphasizing restaurant management.
    • Implemented diverse research methods in the workflow to craft problem and hypothesis statements, develop user journeys, personas, and user flows, aligning with project goals.
    • Presented findings and insights to the UX team and stakeholders, facilitating informed decision-making and driving project success.
  • UX Research PoS System

    Auftraggeber:in · Sonstige Branche

    2021 — 2021

    • Led a collaborative UX Research initiative with three UX designers to define the direction for redesigning a point-of-sale system, emphasizing restaurant management

    • Implemented diverse research methods in the workflow to craft problem and hypothesis statements, develop user journeys, personas, and user flows, aligning with project goals

    • Presented findings and insights to the UX team and stakeholders, facilitating informed decision-making and driving project success.


  • UX Consultant · Vollzeit

    Auftraggeber:in · Beratung und Consulting

    2023 — 2024

    • Evaluated and enhanced the internal Design System, optimizing its effectiveness

    • Developed new Design System components aligned with the requirements of the current

      product lineup

    • Improved existing design system components through thorough evaluation and enhancement

    • Delivered customer-centric solutions for both new and existing features through High Fidelity

      Wireframes and Interactive Prototypes, leveraging our robust Design System

    • Refreshed the Icon library by crafting tailored new icons to better serve the product's use-


  • UX Designer · Vollzeit

    Freaks 4U Gaming · Gaming

    2022 — 2023

    • Delivered over 10 new features, facilitating their seamless integration into our Content Management System, and published accompanying UX documentation

    • Collaborated with Product Management to successfully launch 3 final web products

    • Pitched and implemented UX/UI enhancements aligned with user needs and business

      objectives, in coordination with Product Management

    • Led comprehensive User Research initiatives to define key features for both our CMS and

      gaming products

    • Ä  Established and conducted sprint reviews to optimize the workflow of our weekly sprints,

    ensuring efficiency and productivity.

  • UX & Interaction Design · Vollzeit

    University of Potsdam · Bildung und Wissenschaft

    2022 — 2023

    • Designed user flows and spearheaded UX and Interaction Design for a "National Education Platform" prototype, as part of an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

    • Integrated research findings to define business requirements, collaborating with over 10 product owners and stakeholders to translate their vision into the UX prototype

    • Established a Design System and supervised the implementation of Design tokens in collaboration with the development team, ensuring consistency and efficiency

    • mplemented over 10 features into the Front-End using HTML and CSS, enhancing the platform's functionality and user experience.

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