Thilo Hintergrundbild





Über mich

Ich liebe es digitale Produkte zu erschaffen, weil ich dabei gleichzeitig kreativ und präzise sein kann, und mache das professionell seit 2012. Zunächst als Angestellter vom Junior bis Senior bis Tech-Lead mit Personalverantwortung. Ende 2018 habe ich mich selbstständig gemacht und unterstütze seitdem verschiedenste Firmen dabei, erfolgreiche Web-Applikationen und ganze Plattformen zu realisieren. Ich decke den kompletten (Full) Stack ab und arbeite vor allem, aber nicht ausschließlich, mit Ruby on Rails, React / Next.js und Angular. Von konsistenter Datenhaltung und effizienten Datenbankabfragen, über zuverlässige Backend-Services und robuste APIs, bis hin zu komponentenbasierten, benutzerfreundlichen Frontends, und kontinuierlicher Integration und Deployment. Vom Minimal Viable Product (MVP) bis zur vollständigen Markteinführung und fortlaufenden Verbesserungen - ich setze Ihre Produktideen zuverlässig und nachhaltig in die Realität um.



Progressive Web App
Amazon Web Services
People Management
Performance Management
Solution Architecture
Software Testing
Tailwind CSS


  • New Catering Offer Creator & Process Automations (Freelance Full Stack Engineer)

    heycater! (Food-Tech, Berlin) · Internet und Informationstechnologie

    2022 — heute

    Significantly enhanced user experience and operational efficiency by implementing a new system for caterers to create catering offers using their inventory including AI, a system to automatically handle adjustment requests between customers and caterers, and countless other features.

    After initially contributing to heycater! by implementing a basic catering offer creator and integrating Algolia for inventory search and filtering, I was invited back to work on the next iteration of the offer creator. 

    In this role, I independently developed the caterer inventory-powered catering offer creator, collaborated closely with the designer and product owner, and introduced AI-powered automatic offer creation.

    Furthermore, I enhanced the entire platform, spanning backend, caterer, and customer login apps, with a focus on automating processes and reducing repetitive tasks for Sales and Operations teams. Among countless features, I implemented a system for automated handling of catering request changes between customers and caterers.

    On the backend side, I played a pivotal role in migrating the database from serial IDs to UUIDs, ensuring code quality through the introduction of linters, and expanding key aspects of the business logic, GraphQL API, and Salesforce synchronization. 

    Additionally, I actively participated in code reviews, provided guidance to team members, contributed to architectural decisions, and actively engaged in Scrum-based meetings, including retrospectives, planning sessions, and refinements.

  • Social Activities Platform (Co-Founder & Full Stack Engineer) · Internet und Informationstechnologie

    2021 — heute

    Co-founded and implemented a social platform to find and create real life activities with other people.

    Putting our shared idea into action we created a platform for discovering and planning real-life activities, something we had talked about for years. While my co-founders handled marketing and finances, I took charge of building the platform from scratch.

    I chose Ruby on Rails for its ability to quickly prototype new applications. I developed a feature-rich social network Progressive Web App (PWA) that includes a filterable list of activities, the option to create public, friends-only, or invite-only activities, and the ability to share non-public activities via a magic link. The platform also features user following, notifications through email and web-push, user login and profiles, and a comments system.

  • Content & E-Commerce Platform (Freelance Full Stack Engineer)

    yoself (Health Tech, Bavaria) · Internet und Informationstechnologie

    2021 — 2022

    Realized the launch of an e-commerce platform for balanced life products before Black Friday week by implementing it from scratch and integrating it with CMS and payment services.

    I was brought on board for this project with the task of creating a comprehensive content and e-commerce platform within a tight timeframe, aiming for a launch before Black Friday week.

    In close collaboration with the product owner and designer, I initiated a Next.js project and executed the implementation of various pages. I seamlessly integrated it with WooCommerce to enable dynamic display of content and products. I also incorporated shopping cart and checkout functionalities, including the implementation of coupon features, and integrated payment services such as PayPal and Klarna.

    Following the successful launch within the specified timeframe, I facilitated the transition of content management to DatoCMS, providing non-technical team members with more flexibility in content creation and organization.

    As the development team expanded, I took on the responsibility of technically onboarding and supporting new team members. I actively participated in regular calls, conducted reviews, and engaged in planning sessions with the team to ensure project success and continued development.

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