Judith Hintergrundbild


Verifizierte:r Freelancer:in



Frontend Development
Full Stack Development

Über mich

I'm a full-stack engineer (leaning a bit more towards the frontend) based in Berlin. I have 6+ years of experience with full-stack development using technologies such as React or Vue on the frontend and Node.js or Golang on the backend. On the infrastructure side, I have experience with Docker, cloud providers such as AWS or Azure, and build pipelines such as CircleCI, Jenkins, or GitHub Actions. In the past, I worked for different startups as well as larger corporations. I did project project-based work for more than 4 years, so I am used to getting set up quickly in new teams and environments. While I enjoy discovering and learning new technologies, I am also passionate about Developer Experience and Developer Productivity since I believe how we organize our work is just as important (if not more) than choosing the right tech stack. I can support your team as a freelance software engineer and consultant, primarily within the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem but I am always open to learning new technologies. I prefer progress over perfection and enjoy building prototypes, releasing MVPs, and shipping things fast. I prefer to work remotely most of the time but if you have an office in Berlin, I'd be happy to come in every once in a while.



Frontend Development
Full Stack Development
Tailwind CSS






  • Fullstack development of an MVP

    Auftraggeber:in · Gesundheit und Soziales

    2023 — 2024

    - Built an MVP to validate an idea for an app for medical staff

    - Adapted User Interface according to user and stakeholder feedback

    - Tech Stack: React - TypeScript - Supabase - PostgreSQL

  • Senior Software Engineer

    Resourcify GmbH

    2023 — 2023

    -  Full-stack development for waste management platform

    -  Optimisation and automation of engineering support tasks

    → Tech Stack: Angular - TypeScript - Java

  • Senior Software Engineer

    Planetly GmbH

    2022 — 2023

    - Frontend development for Carbon Emission Calculation Platform

    - Extension of custom UI library

    - Automation of development process and optimisation of build pipeline

    → Tech Stack: React - TypeScript - Storybook - CircleCI

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