Haris Hintergrundbild





Über mich

Ich bin ein Künstler mit viel Erfahrung in maßgeschneiderten Aufträgen und digitaler Kunst mit Procreate. Über die Jahre habe ich traditionelle Kunst gemacht und meine Fähigkeiten auf digitale Illustrationen erweitert. Besonders stolz bin ich auf meine Fähigkeit, realistische Zeichnungen zu erstellen





Editorial Design
Art Design


The Elder Scrolls: Žaneta's Chronicles

The Elder Scrolls: Žaneta's Chronicles




  • The Elder Scrolls: Žaneta's Chronicles

    A. L. Zuniga (Author) · Medien und Verlage


    I led the creation of a unique illustration for a collection of book stories, making sure every step of the project was done carefully and thoughtfully. My main goal was to keep talking to the client, listening to their feedback, and making changes as needed. Understanding the themes of these books was key, and I worked hard to make sure my drawings brought those themes to life. Even though the client and I talked about what they wanted, I was the one who made those ideas into real illustrations. This part of the project was all about planning, creating, and finishing the work to make the client happy. The client really liked the final illustrations, saying I did a great job in managing the project and making something that went beyond what they expected. This project shows how I can handle the whole process of making something creative, from the first idea to the finished product. This work on the book chronicles is a great example of how I tackle project development, making sure everything runs smoothly and ends with a great result that adds to the books' stories.

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